Surnames in John Duncan's Family Tree
Surname Link
Barclay Barclay Page
Burness Burness Page
Butchart Butchart Page
Duncan Duncan Page
Edward Edward Page
Gellie Gellie Page
Gibson Gibson Page
Herd Herd Page
Johnstone Johnstone Page
Mill Mill Page
Mitchell Mitchell Page
Ramsay Ramsay Page
Sheret Sheret Page
Torrie Torrie Page
Vannet Vannet Page
Watt Watt Page

1892 - 1975

This page is the base for the pages linking to my maternal grandfather John Duncan. You can find a list of all of the surnames in his family tree at the left hand side of the page and a link to each surname page.

You can also go back to the homepage by clicking the home link from the table.


The first photograph of 'Jeck' was taken at the salmon bothy. The second is a studio shot taken as a youth in Carnoustie. John was initially a grocer but gave that up and fought in WW1 and was captured in France. He was a salmon fisherman by trade, and this was the same occupation as his forefathers.

The first picture was likely taken in the 1950's or 1960's. The second picture is from around 1910.
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